Represents a vector that is used to encode three-dimensional physical rotations.
let quat = new Quaternion(x: number = 0, y: number = 0, z: number = 0, w: number = 1)
The Quaternion structure is used to efficiently rotate an object about the (x,y,z) vector by the angle theta,
where: w = cos(theta/2)
Instance properties
: The x value of the vector component of the quaternion.y
: The y value of the vector component of the quaternion.z
: The z value of the vector component of the quaternion.w
: The rotation component of the quaternion.isIdentity
: Indicates whether the current instance is the identity quaternion.
Static properties
: Gets a quaternion that represents no rotation.
Instance methods
quat.clone(): Quaternion
Returns a new Quaternion with identical x, y, z and w properties to this one.
quat.equals(q: Quaternion): boolean
Compares the x, y, z and w properties of q to the equivalent properties of this quaternion to determine if they represent the same rotation.
quat.length(): number
Computes the Euclidean length (straight-line length) of this quaternion, considered as a 4 dimensional vector.
quat.lengthSqr(): number
Computes the squared Euclidean length (straight-line length) of this quaternion, considered as a 4 dimensional vector.
quat.angleTo(q: Quaternion): number
Returns the angle between this quaternion and quaternion q in radians.
Static methods
Quaternion.add(q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion): Quaternion
Adds each element in one quaternion with its corresponding element in a second quaternion.
Quaternion.sub(q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion): Quaternion
Subtracts each element in a second quaternion from its corresponding element in a first quaternion.
Quaternion.conjugate(q: Quaternion): Quaternion
Returns the conjugate of a specified quaternion.
Quaternion.multiply(q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion): Quaternion
Returns the quaternion that results from multiplying two quaternions together.
Quaternion.multiplyScalar(q: Quaternion, s: number): Quaternion
Returns the quaternion that results from scaling all the components of a specified quaternion by a scalar factor.
Quaternion.divide(q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion): Quaternion
Divides one quaternion by a second quaternion.
Quaternion.invert(q: Quaternion): Quaternion
Returns the inverse of a quaternion.
Quaternion.normalize(q: Quaternion): Quaternion
Divides each component of a specified Quaternion by its length.
Quaternion.slerp(q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion, t: number): Quaternion
Interpolates between two quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation.
Quaternion.createFromAxisAngle(axis: Vector3, angle: number): Quaternion
Creates a quaternion from a unit vector and an angle to rotate around the vector.
Quaternion.createFromRotationMatrix(m: Matrix4): Quaternion
Creates a quaternion from the specified rotation matrix.
Quaternion.createFromYawPitchRoll(yaw: number, pitch: number, roll: number): Quaternion
Creates a new quaternion from the given yaw, pitch, and roll.
- yaw: Angle of rotation, in radians, around the Y-axis.
- pitch: Angle of rotation, in radians, around the X-axis.
- roll: Angle of rotation, in radians, around the Z-axis.
Quaternion.concat(q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion): Quaternion
Concatenates two quaternions.
Quaternion.negate(q: Quaternion): Quaternion
Reverses the sign of each component of the quaternion.
Quaternion.dot(q1: Quaternion, q2: Quaternion): Quaternion
Returns dot product of 2 quaternions.