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A recommended way to setup your project is to use the cli, which sets up everything automatically for you.

npx @osbjs/osbjs create-storyboard

If you want to use TypeScript:

npx @osbjs/osbjs create-storyboard -t ts

After the installation is complete:

  • you need to change path and filename in the osbjs config file to your beatmap folder path and osb filename respectively.
  • start writing some codes.
  • run npm run build and see the result in the osu editor.

Manual setup

If you are creating a simple storyboard that doesn't need to be seperated into multiple files, you can simply install osbjs in your project.

npm i @osbjs/osbjs

Open package.json and add the following script:

"scripts": {
"build": "node index",

Create a new index.js file and start editing. Run npm run build to generate storyboard after you finish.

If you want to update your storyboard everytime you make changes to your code, nodemon is perfect for that.

npm i -D nodemon

Open package.json and add the following script:

"scripts": {
"dev": "nodemon index",

Now instead of running npm run build everytime you saved, you only need to run npm run dev one time instead.