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new Lyrics(
folderPath: string,
osbFolderPath: string,
subtitlePath: string,
options?: LyricsOptions,
registerFontOptions?: FontOptions)

Generate lyrics from a .srt/.vtt/.json file.

  • folderPath: full path to beatmap folder
  • osbFolderPath: relative path to the folder that will be used to save generated text images. For example: sb/lyrics
  • subtitlePath: full path to the subtitle file. For example, ./ if your lyrics file is same folder with your script file.
  • options: Avaiable options:
interface ILyricsOptions {
* Duration of the fade in/out.
* @default 200
fadeDuration?: number
* Opacity of the text.
* @default 1
opacity?: number
* Font name.
* @default 'Arial'
fontName?: string
* Font size.
* @default 72
fontSize?: number
* Font scale.
* @default 1
fontScale?: number
* Whether to generate a sprite per character.
* @default false
perCharacter?: boolean
* Y position of the text.
* @default 400
y?: number
* Whether to use additive blending.
* @default true
additive?: boolean
* Color of the text.
* @default {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255}
color?: IColor

  • registerFontOptions: in case you want to use a non-system font.
interface IFontOptions {
fontPath: string // full path to font file
family: string // font family name


const folderPath = "D:/osu!/Songs/map_folder"
const lyrics = new Lyrics(folderPath, "sb/lyrics", "./", {
perCharacter: true,
fontName: "Nexa"
}, {
fontPath: "./Nexa.otf",
family: "Nexa"
